Apply For a Home Loan
Thanks for making the decision to apply for a WEOKIE mortgage loan, The process is simple and takes a minimum amout of time. All you have to do is answer a few simple questions about yourself, the property being financed, your employment, income, assets and debts.
If readily available, current tax and property insurance information would be very helpful in giving you a more accurate idea of the costs to close your loan.
Before You Start
How long will it take?
On average it takes 15-20 minutes.
What will I need?Here are some simple checklists:
Your Application
Need some help?
Look on the right-hand side of the screen for some helpful hints.
Short On Time?You can save your application at any point and come back later.
Once You're Finished
What happens next?
Some programs may give you instant online approval.
If that's not an option?Your application will be under review, login at any time to see the current status of your application.